Meet our Executive Board


Meredith ARNOLD

As Chapter President, I am responsible for ensuring Psi Beta is actively striving to portray the Six Purposes of Chi Omega. I work closely with the ten other wonderful members of the Executive Board and our advisors to enforce the rules, policies, and procedures set in place to promote a positive and uplifting environment. Joining Chi Omega changed my life, and I am beside myself with gratitude towards this Chapter and its outstanding members. I cannot wait to watch the way Psi Beta will evolve over this next year, and I am eager to lead my favorite women with my favorite women. This is an opportunity I will cherish forever!


As Vice President, I am the keeper of Psi Beta’s bylaws and oversee the academic side of the chapter. Chi Omega is filled with so many driven and motivated women- I absolutely love serving in this position and seeing first hand the incredible achievements this chapter makes! Chi Omega has brought me so many things to be thankful for: genuine friendships, leadership experience, and countless women who drive me to be the best version of myself daily. I could not cherish my time in this chapter more, and take great pride in calling myself a Chi Omega.

secretary maddie blair

As Secretary, I am in charge of keeping track of the attendance at weekly chapter meetings and other mandatory events! I also get to update our chapter's archives, including the roll book that contains the names of all past and present members of Psi Beta and the minutes of every chapter meeting! Additionally, I serve as the liaison between our chapter's members and our advisors, who ensure Chi Omega remains a great chapter over the years. The best part about serving as secretary is getting to know not only our active members but also with our alumnae sisters, the advisors, who have been a part of Chi Omega for 10+ years!


kiersten sheeder

As treasurer, I am responsible for creating and maintaining the chapter budget. I also manage dues and educate members about our finances. While a lot of my work is behind the scenes, I work with directors and my fellow executive board in order to ensure that our chapter maintains a positive financial position at all times. This role allows me the opportunity to ensure monetary security for Psi Beta, which I find very rewarding. Through it all, I love being able to ensure that our financial decisions reflect the wants and needs of the women of Psi Beta!

New member educator

ingrid berg

As Member Educator, I have the honor of welcoming our new member class into their first year in Chi Omega and assisting them with their transition to college. I get to spend the year teaching these women our history, values, and ritual, helping them prepare for initiation and their future as members of Chi Omega. Ritual truly connects every member as it is special to our chapter nationwide. I am looking forward to serving as a mentor, and best of all, a sister to each and every one of them! Assistants: Megan Rood & Sydney Schneider

director of programming madi miller

As Director of Programming, I oversee 27 Cardinal Cabinet Directors and I serve as the liaison between them and the executive board. I hold one director meeting a month, helping them brainstorm, troubleshoot, and cross-coordinate. I also oversee the Cardinal Cabinets which consist of our chair and committee members. The directors hold a meeting once a month with their committee to ensure their team is ready for their event. Chi Omega's directors are the brains behind just about all we do and I'm so proud to lead this amazing group of women.

personnel Hannah bauman

As Personnel Chair, I am in charge of the standards (enforcing the rules, holding sisters accountable and to a high standard), risk management (ensuring the safety of sisters), sisterhood (making sure all my sisters are feeling loved and connected with one another), and morale (keeping spirits high). Many things that I deal with in the chapter are confidential, so I serve as a confidant for the members. It is such an immense honor to be able to serve as Personnel Chair. I feel so grateful to be trusted by this chapter and I have so much love and confidence in everyone in Psi Beta. Chi Omega has brought me more than I ever thought possible.

recruitment brylee barnes

As the Recruitment Chair, I oversee and lead our chapter during one of our biggest events of the year: Formal Recruitment! I focus on making sure our recruiting members are comfortable and confident in their ability to find those who truly embody Chi Omega during the recruitment process, while my counterpart, Taitum, works on making sure all of the behind-the-scenes action is going as planned. Chi Omega quickly and surely became my home, filled with amazing sisters and countless role models, and I am extremely excited to help new members find their home here too. Recruitment Assistants: Claire Anonson & Ellie Quin

membership taitum coyle

As Membership Chair, I do a lot of behind the scenes work during recruitment. My main job is to make sure that the chapter is recruiting girls that uphold our purposes and will flourish as Chi Omegas. I aim to foster relationships among our sisters of all classes in order to ensure we can enter recruitment as a welcoming and cohesive chapter. I love this position because I am able to work closely with the recruitment chair to make sure that recruitment runs as smoothly, and as fun, as possible! Membership Assistants: Maddie Blair & Audrey Abbott


samantha scalzo

As both Panhellenic Delegate and DEI chair, I represent Chi Omega’s interests. In my role as Panhellenic Delegate, I help to ensure both that Chi Omega is supporting our entire Panhellenic community and vice versa. Through weekly meetings, I get to forge relationships with other chapter members, pass bylaws, organize events, exchange ideas, and strengthen our Panhellenic community. In my role as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair (DEI) I am responsible for ensuring that Chi Omega remains and strives to be a welcoming, inclusive, and diverse community. Chi Omega’s values guide me and my sisters in our efforts to champion for equity, constantly educating ourselves.

facilities emilie mcburney

As facilities manager, I act as the liaison between the active members of Psi Beta and our wonderful House Corporation board. My position ensures that everything is running smoothly within the house by delegating weekly duties and communicating with our house mom and advisors frequently.  This leadership role allows me to establish deeper, more personal connections with the women who will live in the 804. I have loved getting to work with so many amazing young women, and I am looking forward to taking care of the beautiful place Chi Omegas get to call home!



INTERNAL SISTERHOOD DIRECTORs – katie kovar & sammi parks

We are fortunate enough to be able to plan all of the sisterhood events we have as a chapter! This includes anything from a holiday event to a break in the work week schedule. It’s dedicated time to be around the chapter as a whole. Our position is special because it gives us an opportunity to be with the other members not in a chapter setting. We also love our position because it allows us to get creative! We will cherish all the moments that we have on this journey serving this position and the time we get to spend with our sisters along the way!

Sisterhood Chairs: Anna Bremner, Sarah Denk, Ava Disano, Tayva Fortune

EXTERNAL SISTERHOOD DIRECTORS – macy heinen & jenna sollberger

We serve as the External Sisterhood Directors for Chi Omega, meaning we have the job of planning two of our favorite Chi Omega events—Dude's Day and Ladies Day! Not only are these events special for the quality time we get to spend with our families and sisters, but also because they benefit Make-A-Wish! Working hard to coordinate an event with our committee and seeing the entire chapter and their families get to enjoy such a special day is such a gratifying and amazing experience!

Ladies’ Day Chairs: Celia Mahoney, Olivia Hayer, Leah Chandlee, Ashlinn Carmody

Dude's Day Chairs: Elena Schmit, Zoey Hambleton, Olivia Kinnamon

PARENT'S CLUB DIRECTORs – mary kate moeder & sara streeter

Our position is Parent's Club Director! With this position, we have the opportunity to make connections with the parents of current members in Chi Omega. We do this by being a liaison and keeping an open line of communication to let them know what the members of Chi Omega have been up to. We also get the opportunity to help plan some cool events with the help of the parents of our new members and seniors. It is extremely rewarding to give parents and guardians a chance to be involved in their daughter’s college journey. We know many members of Chi Omega will say their favorite memories at Iowa are when their parents come to see them for the fun events that Chi Omega plans. We are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to represent the chapter and continually gain more meaningful connections with the girls and families in Chi Omega.

Family Weekend and Senior BBQ Chair: Ashlyn Chamberlain 



MAKE-A-WISH DIRECTORS - sara noah & natalie Freundl

Hi from Sara and Natalie! We are so excited to celebrate our 23rd year partnering with our beloved philanthropy, Make-A-Wish. We have absolutely loved working together this year to put even more philanthropic opportunities for our members on the calendar. With brand new events on the horizon, we are excited to take fundraising, promotion events, and connection with our kiddos to a whole new level. This spring we are looking forward to organizing our annual Ladies’ Day Auction, celebrating World Wish Day, and giving back to Wish Families. Being heavily involved in our philanthropy has not only deepened our love for Make-A-Wish, but it also has deepened our love for this amazing chapter. The sisterhood and support in this chapter make serving our community easy and fun. We have never felt so encouraged and supported by a group of ladies and we have never been prouder to be Chi Omega Psi Betas!

MAW Chairs: Lexy Schares, Maddy Mische, Tory DalPonte, Brooklyn Bailey, Hannah Gorisek

GOLF CLASSIC SERVICE DIRECTORs – Riley rosenmeyer & megan vertin

As the Chi Omega Golf Classic Directors, I have the privilege of organizing our biggest philanthropy event! Golf Classic is a fun-filled day of golfing with our fathers and friends. The event helps to raise money for Make-A-Wish through each golfer's registration fee and charity holes. As the director, I find the venue, order shirts and golf tees, and make sure the event runs smoothly. I have the full support of two incredible chairs and a great committee. There’s nothing better than granting wishes on the golf course during this fantastic event!

Golf Classic Chairs: Adyson Brecht and Keira Skelly

COMMUNITY SERVICE DIRECTORS – Nadine Mueller & Kennedy Godfredsen

As Community Service Directors, we help immerse our chapter in philanthropy throughout the university as well as the community. We encourage our women to attend philanthropy events on campus and make sure that everyone is doing their part in community service. We both love being able to interact with other Greek chapters and raise money for the philanthropies that we all care so deeply about.



My biggest role as External Social Director is to strengthen Chi Omega’s ties with other organizations on Iowa’s campus. This position has allowed me to meet/work with so many new people both within the Greek community and outside of it. So far, we’ve had movie nights, workout classes, trivia and so much more with a variety of different organizations. I have loved the hands-on experience of planning these events for Chi Omega!

External Social Event Chair: Clara Smith

INTERNAL SOCIAL DIRECTOR – emily davis & findley dvorak

As Internal Social Directors, we are responsible for planning all of our date parties, semi-formal, and formal events. We work to ensure our events are fun, safe, and well-organized. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing all of your hard work come together for your sisters to laugh, have fun, take pictures, and make memories!

Date Party/Formal Chairs: Grace Zhang, Camryn Ohland, Anna Timko, Paige Owens, Kennedy Kramersmeier



As the Marketing Communications Director, I oversee the chapter’s marketing calendar and collaborate with other leaders to make sure all marketing needs are met in advance. I also regularly update our chapters website and blog with all the exciting events that Psi Beta hosts. I have loved this position because it allows me to understand all the moving parts that make up our marketing! Being able to be a director has been so rewarding and has allowed me to work alongside some amazing people!

Blog Chairs: Chloe Prewitt & Hannah Capes

MULTIMEDIA MARKETING DIRECTOR – hailey Gojkovich & regan Coyle

As Multimedia Marketing Director, we manage all of Psi Beta's social media accounts and capture content at every one of Chi Omega's events throughout the year. This position has allowed us to learn all things marketing. It has given us a creative outlet and an incredible opportunity to capture all of the great moments here at Psi Beta. This role has taught us so much about the world of photography and social media. Being able to see all of the love and sisterhood Chi Omega has through pictures has made this position such a gift.

Photo + Video Chairs: Hailey Haas, Elisabeth Carlsson, Lauren Weyer, Mackinnie Coburn

Archivist: Alix Bushard


As the Creative Marketing Director for Chi Omega, I’m able to express my creative side through all of the events we host! I have the opportunity to design banners and apparel for recruitment, sisterhoods, philanthropic events and so much more! I’m thankful to have an amazing team of sisters working alongside me to brainstorm ideas and make it all come together. I’m excited to see where this position takes me and give back to the chapter that has given me so much! I enjoy being able to collaborate with all other directors and chapter members so that we can make memories that last a lifetime! This leadership position allows me to fulfill my desire to not only support Chi Omega, but to do what I truly love!

Apparel Chair: Reese Mertens

Banner Chairs: Ali Rinkenberger, Evelyn Thomas, Grace Dabareiner, Jenna Cammack, Mo Sullivan


CAMPUS ACTIVITIES DIRECTORS – devyn shock, Kaylie watson & emily hamling

As the Campus Activities Director, we encourage all members to be more active on campus by highlighting different intramurals, clubs, or organizations to participate in. Additionally, we help to arrange our intramural teams and coordinate the campus-wide activities our sorority participates in during Homecoming and Greek Week. It is great to see all the different ways Chi Omegas get involved on campus! We are grateful we get to motivate Chi Omega as Campus Activities Directors. 

Intramural Chair: Lucy Scott

Spirit/Homecoming Chair: Marlee Trunnel


ALUMNA RELATIONS DIRECTOR – Brynn Vanburen & anna pietsch

We serve as Psi Beta’s Alumnae Relations Directors! We work to connect our active members to alumnae in order to help them in their future career plans. We do this through fun events, and we are excited to work on some new events and projects this year!


As Educational Director, I have the opportunity to invite diverse speakers to present to our groups so that we can learn more about a wide range of topics. As co-director in the Career and Personal Development Cabinet, I work towards educating and helping our collegiate members create resumes, apply for jobs, and get ready for their next steps in life. I love being Educational Director because it is so rewarding to have our members learn from an activity or presentation and then use it for their future career paths.

HEALTH AND WELLNESS DIRECTOR- Lily schaefer & isaBella cowling

As the health and wellness directors, We aim to integrate wellness, health, and stress-management education and opportunities into the chapter’s meetings and events. Our goal is to ensure our members have the tools and resources to take care of their well-being while balancing all of the responsibilities that come with being a college student. We organize clubs and events surrounding topics like stress relief, nutrition, and resilience.We are looking forward to organizing drives that improve the wellness of our community and clubs that add to the stress relief of our members.  Our goal is not to add more events to our members calendars, but to provide tools for them to thrive amidst the challenges of college life.

Wellness Chair: Willow Fields