2016: A Year to be Proud of

 As 2016 draws to a close, our Chi Omega sisters reflect on all of the achievements that 2016 brought with it and look forward to a 2017 that will be yet another one for the books. A snapshot of a few things we as Chi Omega are proud of:

Dance Marathon - Chi Omega raised over $95,000

We couldn't be prouder of breaking the record and raising over $95,000 for the kids! We also had 14 Sisters representing Dance Marathon in the Chicago Marathon. With over 80 Sisters who are a part of the Dance Marathon organization, you could definitely say those kiddos hold a huge piece of our hearts.

“When I found out I was chosen to be a Morale Captain with three other Chi Omegas, I could not believe it! It is so rewarding to be able to share our passion with our best friends while witnessing the direct impact we have on the Dance Marathon families and kiddos. Our year of leadership is almost over, but I still smile every time I think about it. I have never felt more proud of myself and grateful for Chi Omega for giving me the confidence to do everything I can for the things I am most passionate about. – Megan Frischmeyer, Class of 2018

BID DAY! Welcomed home our amazing new members!

“I went Chi O because that's where I felt at home. I'm a sophomore and every time I met a Chi Omega throughout my freshman year I just felt life I could see myself being their Sisters! By meeting people through mutual friends, student orgs, or intramural, I was so excited to go through recruitment and hopefully make Chi Omega my home. Bid Day was the best day ever when I opened that card and realized that I was now going to be led, inspired, and surrounded by a truly incredible group of women. I'm so proud to be a Chi Omega!" - Kayla


“Playing flag football for the first time ever this year was quite an experience. Not only did we play once a week under the lights, but we also made it to the championship game at Kinnick Stadium! That was definitely an experience I won’t forget and I wouldn’t have wanted to play with anyone else besides my Chi O sisters!”


Homecoming Week

One highlight was winning Iowa Shout with our partners Phi Kappa Psi. Another was cheering on our own Ally Orwig on Homecoming Court. Homecoming is such a special time each year, as we get to reunite with so many of our alumnae. Read more about Homecoming Week HERE.


“There is no doubt that Chi Omegas had a lot of fun in 2016, and many of those fun times included our Sisterhood events. As Sisterhood Chair for 2016, I worked very hard to plan unique events that would give our sisters great memories and bring us all a little bit closer. Among the many sisterhoods I planned this year, one of my favorites was our Hot House Yoga event because we were able to relax and sweat out all of our stress during finals week! Another favorite of mine was our pumpkin carving sisterhood with Alpha Phi where we got to drink cider and soak up various fall festivities. Both of these events had never been done by Chi Omega before, and I think they did an amazing job of helping our chapter bond! I cannot wait to see what is in store for our sisterhood in 2017!” – Paige Shockey, Class of 2018


Chi Omega Loves Make-A-Wish

This year, we celebrated Chi Omega's 15 year alliance with Make-A-Wish. We are so proud that our chapter has raised over $100,000 through our philanthropy events. Especially through our Chi Omega Golf Classic Tournament held in the fall each year, where we caddy :)

Internships and Education:

Chi Omega is proud to have the highest Sorority GPA average for both semesters of 2016! Our Sisters have been working hard on their majors, as well as some pretty amazing internships this year.


“In January of 2016, I had the opportunity to move to Washington DC to spend the semester interning at NASA Headquarters. I spent 6 months working in the Office of International and Interagency Relations helping prepare briefing materials for international travel, writing and editing international agreements focusing on Space and Aviation, and working with other government agencies to achieve NASA goals. I had the chance to spend time on Capitol Hill attending seminars, lectures, and hearings. I was invited to travel with the Assistant Administrator for Aeronautics to California's Armstrong Flight Research Center, where I toured and learned about many new experimental planes and participated in an annual report meeting. As an International Relations major, this was the opportunity of a lifetime to "learn by doing" about my major and the industry I hope to be in. My time as a Chi Omega, as well as a director for the Career and Personal Development Cabinet helped prepare me for the professional world, and provided me with support from 1,000 miles away. I am so thankful for my sisters in Chi Omega both within Iowa City and those I have met off campus.” – Anna Watterson, Class of 2017

“Nothing felt better than getting my acceptance letter to nursing school this past summer. All the late nights in the library and tears shed to my best friends had finally paid off and all of my dreams were finally becoming a reality. When I saw the email, I made my mom open it first because I was too nervous to. When she told me what it said, the feeling was so surreal and exciting! I could not wait to continue my career and future at The University of Iowa for another two years wearing the black Hawkeye nursing scrubs!” – Brook Pffafle, Class of 2018


“Getting accepted into the U to G Child Life Program was truly a dream come true! When I first heard about Child Life, I knew right then and there that it was exactly what I wanted to do with my future. Something about being able to help hospitalized kids and families everyday makes all the hard work worthwhile. The last year of the program will be filled with practicum and internship hours taking what has been learned in class and applying it with kids and families in the hospital. It is so exciting knowing that I am one step closer to achieving my dream job of being a Certified Child Life Specialist!” – Kelsey Tebbe, Class of 2017


As we look forward to a promising and bright 2017, we look back on 2016 with pride and strive to build on the foundation we have created so far.

Happy New Year!