Chi O Golden Hour Formal!

If there is one thing about a Chi Omega woman… she knows how to have a good time. Our sisters gathered together in April to celebrate the end of the year, each other, and our chapter at Brothers Bar and Grill for our annual formal. The theme this year was “Chi O Golden Hour”, which included wearing colors that embodied a sunset. Pinks, yellows, oranges, and reds were all showcased and everyone looked absolutely stunning, There were so many laughs, smiles, photos, and dancing at the formal and it definitely was one for the books. Junior Abby Anderson said “I always look forward to our formals every year. It’s so fun to see what direction everyone goes with their dresses and how they interpreted the theme. Every sister looked absolutely stunning and I can’t wait for next years!” Thank you so much for our internal sisterhood directors Emily Hamling and Emily Davis for all of their hard work to make Chi O Golden Hour possible. All of your efforts surely paid off!

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