Chi Omega National Firesides Leadership Conference 2020
“One topic we talked about this weekend I think perfectly sums up what it means to be a Chi Omega: the difference between belonging and fitting in. Belonging is being accepted for who you are whereas fitting in is changing yourself to meet the expectations of others. In Chi Omega I have found a group of women whom with I belong. I am unapologetically myself with both my own chapter at the University of Iowa, and those I just met this weekend, and that is truly liberating. ”
Firesides Leadership Training was a whole new experience for everyone, but it was uniquely different for me because this year I served as a Chi Omega National Leadership Consultant. I remember that feeling of pure awe when I went to my first Firesides as a collegiate member serving on our Executive Board in 2017. Fast forward to this year and I once again felt just as inspired and grateful to be a part of something so influential to Chi Omega. As an NLC, I travel the country conducting leadership training to chapters, however even as an alumna and staff member, I’m still learning amazing life lessons from Chi Omega. I learned something valuable from each Firesides session and heard remarkable testimonies from young leaders. Once again Chi Omega has proven that membership is so much more than just four years in college. From new friendships to powerful inspiration to be a better leader, I’m walking away from Firesides with memories and lessons I’ll never forget. - Sarah Fisher, former Chapter President and Recruitment Chair, now serving as a Chi Omega National Leadership Consultant
Traveling to Washington D.C. for the Firesides Leadership Conference was everything I could have wished for and more. Being in a space with hundreds of other women who are so diverse yet all have the same purpose was truly empowering. The biggest lesson I learned was the root of Chi Omega: genuine friendship. Sounds simple, but real friendships are something that most young women these days have trouble finding. We learned how to listen closely, and cultivate authentic relationships even further. One of the beautiful things about Chi Omega is that we are not all the same. We come from different places, we look different, we share different beliefs, and yet it works because we all believe in kindness, support, and authenticity. I now know that Chi Omega is for a lifetime, and that it does not stop after college. Our sisterhood is found everywhere and can create endless opportunities. Never in my life would I have pictured myself being a part of the largest sorority in Washington D.C. sitting in a room full of women who believe in the exact same things I do. "Sisters on purpose" has a whole new meaning after this weekend, and I cannot wait to bring back everything I learned to my Sisters at Iowa and grow as a chapter. Thank you Chi Omega for providing me with my sense of belonging. - Marisa Casas, Social Chair
Prior to Firesides, if you would have asked me my favorite line of the Chi Omega Symphony, I probably would have spewed off one of the popular ones without a real justification as to why it was my favorite. Now, I can answer that question proudly: “To Have Her Welfare Ever at Heart”. This line has taken on a whole new meaning. A quote from Laura Miller pointed out the fluidity of the pronoun her. When “her” references Chi Omega as a whole, it reminds me that my words and actions no longer simply represent myself. They represent this incredible organization that I am blessed to be a part of. If her were to reference my sisters in Chi Omega, it reminds me to be the best friend and leader to her I can possibly be. As a leader, I support her academically, providing her with the necessary resources to succeed. As a friend, I support her emotionally. Firesides lit this fire in me to continue to improve the quality of friendship I give others. When I ask a question, I need to stay in the present and actually listen and internalize their response. Additionally, I am going to encourage and practice more truthful conversation in an attempt to dismantle the facade we all feel so expected to put up. When I ask someone how they are doing, I want to empower them with a truthful answer, not the go-to “I’m good!” I feel this an incredible way to deepen all of my friendships. Firesides taught me to sit down and reflect on the meaning of sisterhood and how I can improve it as a leader and Sister in Chi Omega.
Prior to this weekend, I have lived and acted as a part of the Psi Beta chapter of Chi Omega, but now I will live and act recognizing that I am a part of a much larger body and movement. My actions—both good and bad— impact the image and reflect the meaning of Chi Omega on a National level. Additionally, there are people around the country who will show me endless support and love all because we believe in the over-arching friendship that Chi Omega establishes. One topic we talked about this weekend I think perfectly sums up what it means to be a Chi Omega: the difference between belonging and fitting in. Belonging is being accepted for who you are whereas fitting in is changing yourself to meet the expectations of others. In Chi Omega I have found a group of women whom with I belong. I am unapologetically myself with both my own chapter at the University of Iowa, and those I just met this weekend, and that is truly liberating.
I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to have had the opportunity to go to Firesides and form new friendships with women across the country and strengthen those of my Psi Beta sisters. - McKenna Horstmann
It was as an honor to represent the Psi Beta chapter at Chi Omega Firesides. Going into the weekend, I was hoping for some guidance and advice on how to effectively lead the chapter as President. While I learned a lot about my position, what meant more was witnessing the true magnitude of Chi Omega. Before this experience, I had a “tunnel vision” sort of understanding of our chapter. I thought “Psi Beta chapter of Chi O, that’s who/what I represent”. However, being surrounded by hundreds of Chi Omega’s made me realize just how special and unique a membership in this organization is. We represent so much more than ourselves or our individual chapters.
We represent an organization whose main founding purpose is friendship, an organization that extends far beyond the “me” of situations. I now, more than ever, see the “we” of Chi Omega. Me to we, With one simple letter change comes a whole new meaning. It would not be possible for Chi Omega to be as accomplished and meaningful with just one person or one chapter. WE all contribute to the meaning of Chi Omega. One of my favorite bits of info I jotted down this weekend is that “the whole of Chi Omega is literally the sum total of the choices made by individual sisters”. I think this perfectly articulates the importance of every member. The future of what Chi Omega can and will be rests in chapters and members across the country. I have a heightened sense of appreciation and respect for the woman that have made this organization what it is today and I am excited to see what it becomes. - Claire Burelbach, President
Leaving this weekend, I am most inspired by the dedication our alumnae volunteers and national staff have to this organization. Chi Omega had changed each of their lives in some way, and now, they are so invested in ensuring that Chi Omega is able to continue doing the same for collegiates across the nation. These women were so inspiring and really got me thinking about how these 4 years are just the beginning of a lifetime of Chi Omega. The sisterhood we build and strengthen while here at Psi Beta is laying the foundation for a support system that will follow each of us wherever life takes us after graduation. This weekend was able to show me that this sisterhood is not just a group of girls I love to laugh and hang out with, but are the ones ready to catch me when I fall. These are my sisters who are here to not just make college feel like home- they are my home. - Renee Cafun, Membership
I have always had a special connection to Chi Omega as my mom was a Psi Beta in the 90s. I shared that bond with her and it felt like it was meant to be. When joining, I would never have thought that it would impact me this much as a woman. From my Initiation in January of 2019, to Fall Recruitment I thought I could never love Chi Omega more than at that point in time. Well, that changed at Fireside Leadership Training.
The quick trip changed my entire outlook on this organization, and deepened my love so much. We touched on so many great topics spanning from the history, initiation and ritual, sisterhood and friendship, mental health within women, and our own individual positions. Being there with over 600 Chi Omegas was a great opportunity to learn from and bounce ideas off of each other.
Progressing throughout the weekend, we got deeper and deeper in our conversations. One conversation specifically stuck out to me on our symphony. When asked, many Chi Omegas will say that their favorite section of the symphony is "to be womanly always, discouraged never". Although this is a wonderful line and very meaningful, there is one line that often gets overlooked. In the last line it states, "to have her welfare ever at heart." This was the main theme of the Firesides trip. To me this means putting the chapter first and never just thinking of myself, but my sisters most importantly. It means to make wise decisions that will benefit the entire chapter and organization. Keeping our sisters welfare at heart is what it means to be a Chi Omega. It is in our symphony and is promised to be upheld by everyone.
Finally, to the girls that I was privileged to get to go on this trip with. Thank you. Thank you for leading, for bettering our chapter, for setting examples, for understanding, and for having the biggest hearts for this organization. I look up to these women everyday and will continue to have the utmost respect for them. - Madison Mayberry, Personnel Chair
This is Laurel, my best friend from high school, who is the President of Chi Omega at George Washington University - Shannon
This past weekend at Firesides in Washington, D.C. was absolutely amazing and reaffirmed my love for Chi Omega. While Psi Beta and other Chi O chapters around the country strive to be top in grades, involved in community service, and leaders on campus, the most important thing that chapters can do is foster genuine friendships between their members. The other aspects of Chi Omega are great and create strong chapters on college campuses, but the purpose that truly makes Chi Omega for a lifetime, is friendship. This idea is the driving force behind the reinvented New Member Experience that I learned about over the weekend. The goal of this new program is to make new members feel more connected to the chapter, earlier, and to keep upperclassman involved in activities with their younger sisters. I am so excited to help implement this new experience in our chapter, and to help all of our members form friendships that will last beyond college. - Shannon Micklewright, New Member Educator
I am so thankful that our chapter had the privilege of attending Chi Omega's Firesides Leadership Training this weekend! We gained so much valuable knowledge about how we can better support our sisters as they navigate difficulties related to mental health. Furthermore, the opportunity to attend workshops specifically geared towards our respective positions was so beneficial. Renee and I are absolutely amped to get back to Iowa City and share our love of Recruitment with our Sisters! Ultimately, my love of Chi Omega grew through Firesides. Whether it was the late nights that I spent laughing with my fellow officers, the friendships that we made with Chi Omegas from across the country, or the support that we received from the Chi Omega staff to keep our Sisters' welfare ever at heart, Firesides reminded me the importance of community. I am eternally grateful to be surrounded by the strongest, most courageous, and courageous women. - Mary Grace Henderson, Recruitment Chair