Iowa Chi Omega Receives Chapter of Excellence Award at Chi Omega Convention 2022

“I had the incredible opportunity to attend Chi Omega’s National Convention in Phoenix, Arizona this summer. I attended business meetings, award dinners, and was so proud of Psi Beta for once again earning the Chapter of Excellence award!

It was so wonderful to meet many of the other 180 collegiate chapter presidents, as well as the Supreme Governing Council and the rest of the Executive Headquarters staff. The other chapter presidents and I were able to connect over our experiences as leaders of hundreds of women, which was so grounding for me. To be able to see Chi Omega from a much wider lens than just our chapter at the University of Iowa was so helpful for me as a leader, and it provided me with a fresh perspective as we head into the fall. Celebrating the accomplishments of other collegiate chapters as well as alumnae who have spent their adult years giving back to Chi Omega made me realize how lucky I am to have found a home within this organization. I am so excited to get back to Iowa City and share my experience with my sisters!” - Kim Fairhead, President

We also had quite a few alumna representing the Psi Beta chapter of Chi Omega at Convention:

  • Mary Grace Henderson - Chi Omega Northeast Regional Director for Chi Omega Headquarters

  • Mckenna Tackes - National Leadership Consultant for Chi Omega Headquarters

  • Katherine Mendieta - former Multimedia Marketing Specialist for Chi Omega Headquarters

  • Stacey Able - Advisor for Psi Beta

“I wrapped up a year of traveling as a National Leadership Consultant for Chi Omega Executive Headquarters and just began my new role as the Northeast Regional Director. As the Northeast Regional Director, I have the opportunity to support our chapters in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C.! Having the privilege of working with collegiate and alumnae Chi Omegas across the country on leadership and professional development teaches me something new each day. I will always be grateful to Psi Beta Chapter for showing me the power of finding belonging in Chi Omega!” - Mary Grace

“I am traveling as a first year National Leadership Consultant for Chi Omega Executive Headquarters! I just wrapped up my summer training in Memphis, Tennessee and experienced my first Convention 2022 as an NLC. I know this role will be the most rewarding journey, and I am so excited to meet the women in the chapters I will visit this semester. Thank you to the women of Psi Beta Chapter for preparing and loving me through this process!” <3 Mckenna

They follow in the footsteps of the Iowa Chi Omega HQ staff before them:
•Julie (Mickelson) Spillane: National Leadership Consultant, National Recruitment Team
•Katherine (Gallagher) Mendieta: Multimedia Marketing Specialist
•Sarah Fisher: National Leadership Consultant