Chi Omega Alumna Feature: Kimberly Chexnayder

Kimberly (Kimmi) Chexnayder graduated a year ago in 2018. Kimmi’s leadership and go-getter drive are just a few of the many reasons she left such a positive impact on our chapter. She is a role model to many, and we are thrilled to have her kick off our alumna features! Keep reading to learn more about this incredible woman, how Chi Omega impacted her life, and where she is currently at in her dream career!

Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Journalism & Mass Communication Certificate, Critical Cultural Competence  

Job: Official Job Title is Rotational Analyst, National Football League (NFL). My Current Rotation is Social & Digital Content, NFL Fantasy Football

I am apart of the NFL’s premier junior rotational analyst program spending two years rotating across 4 departments throughout the league. So far I have rotated through International Media & Business Development where I focused on our international content strategy helping pursue key partnerships and distribution strategies for NFL games in foreign markets and most recently Event Strategy & Revenue focusing on revenue generating sponsorship opportunities at key tentpole NFL events like the Super Bowl, Pro Bowl and NFL Draft. Last month I left my New York City apartment and moved across country to Los Angeles to join our NFL Media office to take over and help develop our NFL Fantasy Football Social and Digital Content strategies and executions. I now oversee and manage our digital content that is pushed and published to our 3+ Million Fantasy Football users through our O&O (owned & operated) app.  

This job has become more than just a job but instead a career and a daily passion to push the NFL and myself to leverage our brand and voice to create life-changing cultural moments. My passions sit at the intersection of fashion, music, player branding and social causes and how the NFL can leverage itself to push the needle forward and create digital content that shows athletes as multidimensional men with reaches beyond just the game of football. 

Where Are You From: Kansas City, Missouri

Where Do you Currently Reside: Los Angeles, California

What did Chi Omega give you that you don’t think you could’ve gotten somewhere else?: I don’t think that any other organization would’ve pushed me as much as Chi Omega did. Our entire chapter is filled with women who are the best at what they do so when you’re surrounded by that energy and that inspiration, you automatically push yourself even harder. I always wanted to make Chi Omega and my sisters proud by making sure I was giving my best academically and extra-curricular wise and I think that was a huge part of my college success.


Favorite Chi Omega Memory?: My favorite memory is Sophomore Year Recruitment! I had so much fun living in the house and coming downstairs every day prepping for formal recruitment. It was such an incredible experience seeing the nuances of formal recruitment and all that it took to join Chi Omega. Seeing recruitment from a chapter and not PNM perspective allowed me to see the standards and expectations that are expected of Chi Omega women. We are so much more than just smiling faces but instead a chapter that aligns itself with the highest expectations of their members and the way we hold ourselves accountable. I have never been around such inspiring women who all have the goal to succeed and push beyond what is expected of college students. We are a chapter of leaders and creators who have carved an incredible path to inspire many. Being able to recruit women with that same mentality was a huge highlight. 


What Advice would you give younger women?: I firmly believe that the reason I have had so much success is because of the mentorship and inspiration I’ve gained from other women. If I could give any piece of advice it would be  to find someone to be your champion and your sounding board for all that you do throughout life. Having someone who knows you and can help guide you in the right direction can be a key to your success. I am so thankful for the women who have uplifted me and supported me oftentimes giving me the opportunity to have a seat at the table and gain access to rooms that I never thought I’d be able to be in. Another piece of advice would be to ALWAYS BE YOURSELF AND BE UNAPOLGETIC ABOUT IT. I have never diminished who I am or the strong opinions I have and don’t hold that back. Being true to who I am and my morals have served me so well both professionally and socially. My personality has gotten me so far and I would hope that it’s because people can see that what they see is what they get and that will never change. I’m proud of the woman I’ve become and continue to evolve into and I hope that all women find that comfortability and happiness within.

Favorite NFL Moment: Walking Gisele down to the field after her husband, Tom Brady had just won his 5th Super Bowl Title! She is SO nice and even more beautiful in person!

Chi Omega Superlative: Most Likely To Be a CEO #WhoRunTheWorld? #Girls 
