Chi Omega holds 3rd Annual Wish Week


“Chi Omega stood out to me from the very beginning. It wasn’t just the constant kindness, generosity, and compassion that I felt every time I walked through the doors during recruitment. What stood out to me most was their commitment and love for their philanthropy, Make-A-Wish.

As the sister of a Wish kid, I know how amazing this organization is and the impact it has on the children and families that are granted wishes. They truly make magic happen for those who need it most. I feel so fortunate to have been welcomed into the Chi O family and be a part of a group of women that truly strives to make a difference. They care so deeply about my personal story and I am so proud to stand with each one of them as we aim to support MAW in everything we do.” 💙 -Caely


Chi Omega threw our third annual Wish Week spanning from Monday, September 16th to Sunday, September 22nd. This week of philanthropy events allows us to gain funds for Make-A-Wish, learn more about the organization and all the good that it does, and grow closer to our supportive, philanthropic sisters. Wish kids are some of the bravest and sweetest kids you'll ever know. They wish to work in a pickle factory, become a superhero, go snorkeling, give their baseball team new uniforms, and push all of the buttons in a tall building's elevator. Their innocence and unexpected wisdom stays with you.


On Monday, we sold donuts to our fellow Hawkeyes. Our sisters took to the T. Anne Cleary walkway and asked our friends, classmates, and fellow sorority members to support Make-A-Wish by buying a donut or two.

On Tuesday, our sisters meet with Bella Trotter and her family to have an educational about what Make-A-Wish can do. Bella’s wish was to meet “Good Luck Charlie” star, Bridgit Mendler. Last year, Bella flew to Boston with her family where she got her nails done with Bridgit Mendler. She was also surprised by Medler, who showed her around MIT where she was studying. To celebrate her love for Bridgit Mendler and her music, all of our sisters played the song, “Ready or Not” and sang along with Bella.


Thursday we held a service day at Molly’s Cupcakes where a portion of cupcakes purchased went to Make-A-Wish! Following that community day, we had a service event with Phi Gamma Delta at our house. The guys came to our chapter and helped us put together over 100 craft kits for the Stead Family Children’s Hospital.


On Friday, we held our 24 hour push for donations. Our sisters reached out to family members, friends, and acquaintances through Instagram, Facebook, and other mediums to help raise funds towards granting a Wish. We spent the entirety of this day focused on raising as much as we could for Make-A-Wish. That evening, we hosted Pammie, a local wish recipient, and her family at our house to celebrate her Wish being granted this past summer. It was a truly special night hearing about Pammie’s journey, and seeing how Make-A-Wish impacted her family.

“This was the first party we have thrown for a MAW family in years and it was better than I ever could have dreamed.” Sister Haleigh Houston, our Make-A-Wish Director, noted. “Pammie’s Wish to have a quinceañera was granted in June. We had all of her favorites at the party: Taylor Swift's music, kombucha, apple juice, skittles, and white chocolate. My heart was so full seeing my Chi Omega sisters chat with her and her family, watch videos, and see photos from her quinceañera. We had a dance party to Pammie’s favorite Taylor Swift song ‘Shake It Off.’ When the sun went down, Pammie sang us a song she wrote and she and her mother shared their emotional journey from the moment Pammie was born. Overall, the party was a huge success and completely magical. Everyone’s hearts were full. We are so lucky to have the chance to develop relationships with Make-A-Wish families in the area.”


On Saturday we partnered with Cortado Coffee on Clinton Street in Iowa City to hold our final community day of the week. Our sisters brought their dads, who had come in for dad’s weekend, to get some coffee and breakfast, all while supporting Make-A-Wish.


We are so incredibly thankful for the opportunity that we have to celebrate this organization. Make-A-Wish grants thousands of unique wishes each year. A lot, yes. But that's only 50% of eligible kids. We are fundraising so more deserving kids and their families can know the happiness, relief and renewal a wish can bring. We love sharing our passion for Make-A-Wish with our friends, family, school, and community! There’s no better feeling than granting a Wish with your sisters by your side!
