Chi Omega’s 17th Annual Golf Classic Benefitting Make-A-Wish

Following a wonderful Dude’s Day at the house Saturday, on Sunday morning, we hosted our annual Make-A-Wish Golf Classic at Brown Deer Golf Course while most of our dude’s were still in town. We totally lucked out with beautiful weather for the day with the sun coming out in the afternoon. Major thanks to Golf Classic Director Caitlin Korinek for planning such an incredible day hittin’ the links!

“Our annual Golf Classic is one of our biggest fundraisers supporting our amazing philanthropy, Make-A-Wish! Chi Omegas get the opportunity to invite golfers to play a round of golf and raise some money for some of the strongest kiddos in the world! This event is truly something special because of who we are playing for. Everyone participating has the most positive energy and the biggest smiles on their faces throughout the day. Our hope is to translate our positivity and happiness to the kiddos and their families whose wishes we are helping grant with the money we raise! The power of a wish is truly one of a kind, and we are so honored to have the opportunity to support such an incredible organization like Make-A-Wish!” - Caitlin Korinek, Golf Classic Director

Golf Classic rounded out a great Wish Week fundraising for our favorite organization, raising $3,524 at our annual golf tournament. At this event, the guys play best shot for nine holes while the Chi Omegas showed off their incredible caddying skills. The best part of it all was getting to share our love for Make-A-Wish on every hole with the people we love most.

“I have enjoyed the last 4 years of being involved in Chi Omega events like Dad’s Day and Golf Classic. It has been great to see Laurel be a part of an organization that has made her life at Iowa a great experience. Although one more victory in the Dude’s Day bags tournament would have been great, runner-up was pretty awesome. The Make-A-Wish Golf Classic was wonderful again this year as I got to spend time with my daughter while raising money for a great cause. I think all the dads and guests had a great time all weekend!” - Eric Degan (Laurel’s Dad)

“My dad and I loved every second of getting to know the other dads and daughters in Chi O! It was so much fun getting to do something we love to do together while making an impact on the kids. I will always cherish the memories I have made at Golf Classic with my dad!” - Abby Martindale, PC ‘21

“I look forward to the Chi O Golf Classic every year! Golf has always been something my dad and I share, so to get to share it with him along with my sisters and their dads, it makes for some pretty special memories. It’s a day full of getting to introduce the man who shaped me to all the women who have shaped me these past four years. With Make-A-Wish at the heart of it all – what’s not to love!” - Makenna Mumm, PC ‘19

“What a great morning for golf. It was awesome to spend time not only with my daughter, but with her sorority sisters and their dads! The bonus was getting to help raise money for a great organization like Make-A-Wish all while having a blast on the course!” - Kurt Mumm (Makenna’s Dad)

“Golf Classic was so amazing to be a part of!!!! It was so fun to see all the dads interacting and doing something they love while also supporting our incredible philanthropy. Golf classic always brings the brightest of smiles and the fullest of laughs – this year was no exception! Shoutout to our awesome director for making this event so special this year!” - Jamison Feldman, PC ‘20