Dance Marathon 28: Another Successful Virtual Big Event

Chi Omega has been heavily involved in Dance Marathon in recent years, and that didn’t stop for Dance Marathon 28, regardless of the event being moved online in early January. Although disappointed about this year’s big event being unable to be in person due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, Chi Omega dancers still showed up and showed immense support for all the pediatric patients at the University of Iowa Steadfast Children’s Hospital. Thirty six Chi Omegas (many with leadership roles) worked tremendously hard throughout the year and were able to make this year’s Dance Marathon one to remember! Many girls danced at the event, ran in Dance Marathon (the marathon), and fundraised their hearts out over these last few months. We are so proud of all their hard work and their commitment to the University of Iowa Dance Marathon Organization!

“Dance Marathon is an amazing organization that I am so happy I got involved with here at Iowa! My first year consisted of many Dance Marathon meetings that helped me learn all about the organization and hear stories from families! Hearing about the kiddos and their families affected by pediatric cancer made a huge impact on me! I just want to be able to help them as much as I can through Dance Marathon! I plan on continuing to be involved with DM for the rest of my years here! 

The watch party at the house was pretty fun! I was bummed out that the Big Event couldn’t be in person this year! But I’m glad I was able to experience it with a few other Chi O members! We watched the introduction, took pictures, and chatted about our experiences in Dance Marathon! I’m happy I went!” -Kyra Feldman- DM 28 Dancer, PC ‘21

“Dance Marathon is such a special organization and one that I am so happy to be a part of. The families of the kiddos on the 11th floor deserve unwavering support, and I’m so happy I was able to support them during an incredibly difficult time in their lives. The kids are the strongest and bravest kids ever, and hearing their stories left a major impact on me. Even though the Big Event was moved online, it was still special to be able to join the livestream to watch the activities that DM was still able to put on. I am so happy I am a part of Dance Marathon, and will definitely continue to be part of this great organization for the rest of my time here at the University of Iowa.”

-Abby Martindale- DM 28 Dancer, PC ‘21

“The one word I would use to describe my experience in DM this year is resiliency! Despite some unexpected changes made last minute, everyone was so determined in showing the kids on the 11th floor how much supporting them means to us! I couldn’t be more thankful to be a part of something so much bigger than myself!

Running the marathon was so surreal. Mentally, it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but the feeling I felt after I crossed the finish line was nothing I’d ever experienced before. I was so grateful and appreciative that my body was capable of doing something so challenging. I ran that marathon for all those who wish they could. They were what kept me going when all I wanted to do was stop. I had the choice to push through when many don’t have that option. They are inspiring — I only hope to live my life with as much bravery as them.”

-Jamison Feldman- DM 28 Dancer & Runner, PC ‘20

“It is hard for me to put into words how much my past four year in Dance Marathon have affected me. I am beyond grateful to have been able to serve such incredible children and families, and to have been able to do it with Chi Omegas by my side. Dance Marathon has shown me the true meaning of love, hope, resilience, and passion. Whether it was spending time in the Pediatric Cancer Center of Stead Family Children’s Hospital spreading joy to patients or showing off my best dance moves in the silent disco with my sisters, my time in DM has never failed to bring a smile to my face. Though there are so many fun times in Dance Marathon, cancer is not always a cute kid with a bald head. Being able to have a support system around me when witnessing first hand how cancer can affect a child is something I am so grateful for. Though I am sad my Dance Marathon journey is coming to an end, I feel comfort in knowing my DM and Chi O sisters will be alongside me on my next.  “

-Katie Freund, DM 28 DEI Committee & Dancer, PC ‘18

“Joining Dance Marathon in college was always an easy decision. I knew I wanted to be a part of something that helped the families and children who have pediatric cancer. Growing up, I lost my cousin to pediatric cancer and I have always wanted to honor him by being a part of dance marathon & helping children who are in the position he was in. This organization pushes so hard to help, support, and care for these children. I am so honored to have made so many best friends in this organization, ones who are all motivated to do more and to be more. The Big Event was so special and truly showed me just how important this organization is. I hope everyone will join to help these kiddos!!”

-Aubri McClung- DM 28 Public Relations Committee & Dancer, PC ‘20

Many of our Chi Omega sisters remain committed to doing everything in their power to be a means of support for the brave children fighting pediatric cancer on the eleventh floor of the University of Iowa Steadfast Children’s Hospital. In total, our Chi Omega sisters were able to raise an astounding $22,994.60, which is incredible! We are so proud of the amount of hard work they put into making sure this year’s Dance Marathon was unforgettable for everyone involved!